
Tuesday, May 7, 2013


                                                              .......get ready.........

.......get set.....
(Yes, this is our bed, my design bed!)
I will be turning this top in tomorrow!  It always feels good to have something to turn in on Wednesdays.  That is, 3 finishes and this farmy top!
Look at this......
A quick downpour!  A week ago, it was in the upper 90's, right now it is 66.  Go figure!
This is the view from my sewing room.  Not the best, but when the lilies are in bloom, it's fine!
Don't forget about the 'sew mama sew giveaway'!


  1. Someone will love that quilt : ) I should price out how much it would cost to stuff an envelope and send you some fabric. I appreciate what you do.

  2. You certainly have made lemonade out of those 'lemony' colours Vicki!! Your quilt looks wonderful!

  3. Wow! You are good. And fast! I like the farm top. You did manage to make a nice glass of lemonade :). I wonder if you are in Florida as i'm in northeast Florida and my weather is the same. I finished my binding and my first binding was actually my first, second and a half. I struggled but I got it done and I am very happy with it. I will have to get it into Flickr so you can take a look if you would like. Keep up the good work!

  4. I like your newly finished quilt top. Congrats.

    I used to use a bed to lay out my quilt pieces too. It works really well. I have a big table in my craft room now. But, I have to say the bed might be better because it's not slippery and the pieces stayed where I put them much better.

    We've been having crazy weather like that too. Over this past week or so, we've had 100' weather and lots of sun, days of pouring rain, and, now, chilly temps. Oh...and the next few days are suppose to go back into the 90's!


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