
Saturday, May 4, 2013


Got the binding sewn down on the 3 quilts that I brought home on Wednesday. 

This is a quilt that I made during the summer of 2011!  Yes, there are so many quilt tops made, that we are about 1 1/2 yrs out from completion.  Remember the picture that I showed Wednesday, of the cupboard at quilting?  Those are just a small portion of what is there waiting to be quilted.  I rearranged those tops, and put them into date order oldest to newest.  We have only about 4 more from 2011, and then we can start on the 2012 tops!!

These little gems are waiting patiently to be hemmed!  Would you believe that I got the top two done, and half way done on the bottom one?

This is one of the finishes!!  This quilt is 54x64 and was tied with golden yellow pearl cotton.  Thanks Judy!!  I did not take a picture of the second finish because I didn't make the top.  The third quilt will be finished tomorrow.  My next project is already waiting in the wings or should I say, closet!!  Got to love that lemonade!!! 


  1. I would believe anything of you Vicki!! =) You are one busy gal with fingers 'itchin to be stitchin!!

  2. Impressive! Especially since I sewed my first ever binding on last night and spent a good part of the day ripping it out. I think I need to trim it closer because I had to pull it to the front so much that it didn't show on the back. So I will try again tomorrow. I so want to finish this one up and start on another. How's the strawberry quilt coming?


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