
Thursday, May 30, 2013


I have been busy quilting my last 'practice' quilt all day!  It has been hard on my back, but I have a fresh cobbler to look forward to!

This is prebaked.  The quilt that it is sitting on is a very special quilt.  It is all hand sewn from my grandmother!  It is about 70 yrs old.  Can you believe the vivid colors?  My mom could sit and pick out dress fabrics she wore as a child!  So special...
Here is the simple recipe:
1 C. bisquick........1/4 C melted butter or margarine........1/2 C sugar........1/2 tsp cinnamon
Mix until crumbly, pour in melted butter.  Mix again to moisten dry mixture.  Crumble on top of sliced fruit or berries, sweetened if necessary.  Bake at 400 for 25 min.
Fresh out of the oven!!  Not sure if you can see the bubbles...but it is HOT at this point.  I even bought vanilla ice cream!
Looking forward to some Friday finishes!!  I only brought one quilt home yesterday to hem, so that will be easy.
Don't forget, June and July are the Plum and June "New Blogger Blog Hop" months.  It is going to be so much fun getting to know new bloggers.  Want more Plum and June!


  1. Yummy!! you know Miss Vicki I have a penchant for the humble hexagon!! You are one lucky gal to have such a beautiful heirloom and keepsake hand stitched by your beloved grandmother. 'Tis extra special to contain all those loved fabrics from your mum's pretty dresses as a child. Those are the memories that maketh a life and hold close to our hearts!!

  2. Your cobbler looks so yummy! What a lovely hexi quilt.

  3. That's funny. We had peach cobbler this week too - not homemade though, the kind you pull out of the freezer and bake. We ate it warm with vanilla ice cream too. It was delicious as I know yours will be. Enjoy! I'm saving your recipe for future use. We love cobbler :)

  4. Also, I love your grandmother's quilt. What a special treasure!

  5. The quilt is such a blessing I bet and the cobbler looks simple,but oh so delicious:)

  6. That hexagon quilt is a treasure! I love making hexagon quilts : )


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