
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Here are a couple of quick projects!

The other week, I was cleaning out my stash and ran across these 3 pre-printed panels.  I knew it would take literally minutes to get them sewed up, so I got them trimmed and put together!




The Rug Rats panel had to be cut apart and sashing applied.  I remember these characters from when my kids were small!

And just as I thought....they were all done in less then 1 1/2 hrs.  I'm going to end up with quite a few flimsies to turn in in September!

Linking to : Let's Bee Social with Lorna at Sew Fresh Quilts!!  WIP Wednesday with Freshly Pieced Modern Quilts!


  1. Those came out great! Gotta love a super simple project that finished in no time. Gives you a sense of accomplishment!

  2. Aren't panels great? I loved the Rug rats. I always wanted to have twins and name them Phil and Lil!

  3. Sometimes it's just that easy. It kind rejuvenates ya doesn't it!

  4. There's something very satisfying about a quick finish and these panels certainly fit the bill! They are great Vicki.

  5. What is the first panel? It looks very pretty!

  6. Really sweet! I also like to buy panels....the finished project is always really cute and I love to get things done quickly.

  7. Yay for quick stitching projects! I also remember the Rug Rats...I'm guessing that makes me older than I care to think. Love the first one; 'tis so pretty!

  8. I remember the Rug Rats from when my kids were little too! How time flies... Sometimes a quick little project or three is just the ticket.

  9. These will each make lovely quilts. I seen that second panel at my local fabric shop recently while looking for Christmas fabric. What a beautiful festive wall hanging it will be!

  10. The nativity one is so lovely and will make a great seasonal wallhanging won't it. xx

  11. How nice to have some quick quilts done and out of the stash!


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