
Sunday, May 19, 2013


...I am refreshed and ready to get back to the real world!  I took a short time off as you know, and I will show you where I went!

even the airport has quilts on the wall!!
We were in Alaska!  Yes, it was very cold, but so beautiful.  We had a chance to enjoy all that God has created, and way to much food!  It feels so good to be home, but I will say, I already miss all the attention from the great staff on board our Princess cruise.

I had the opportunity to visit three quilts shops.  I was inspired everywhere I went.  Tomorrow, I will show you the fabric I purchased. 

Miss strawberry was so glad to see me.  I will start quilting her within the next few days.   I hope to have her turned in on Wednesday, OK, maybe next Wednesday.  We shall see.  I am trying to get back into the rhythm of my everyday doings, and it is not easy.


  1. One day I would like to take that cruise. Glad you had fun and were able to visit some shops. It helps to see different ideas.

  2. Welcome back to the land of everyday musings you li'l ole 'voyage cruisin' gal you!! Spectacular photos......glaciers, fjords, attentive staff at your beck and call, delish cuisine, fabrics shops, quilts at the airport and even the odd Aussie or two on the same 'boat'......what more could a gal want!! Oh.......tell me is that you incognito as a snow bunny that I spy with my li'l eye?? =)


Thank you for stopping by to see what I have to say! I hope that you have enjoyed your time with me. Please, leave a comment and let me know what you are thinking.