
Thursday, May 9, 2013


Let me share a little story with all of you.  This morning, while I was working around the house, I heard a little whimper coming from the fabric cupboard in the other room!!  What could that be?  I went over to the cupboard to see what all the ruckus was...and it was...

miss strawberry clamoring to get out!  I was a little surprised to say the least.  I know that I have had her in there for several days, and that she hasn't seen the light of day in that time.  But I was NOT expecting a protest for this sequestration!
SOOOO - I took her out of her dark hiding place and proceeded to...
...unpin her from her awful, terrible, no good multi-pieced backing and batting!  She promptly thanked me for my kindness.  I then proceeded to piece the new green pin dot backing so that she would not have to lie around naked!  I just couldn't have that.
I promptly pin basted her to her new backing with fresh, unpieced batting!  It took a while, but she is all ready to go.  I will be quilting her within the next couple of weeks!
Even the strawberry fairies around her outer boarder are smiling in anticipation of completion!  I am still questioning what type of quilting I will do.  I am still learning how to use my home machine for quilting, so it won't be anything fancy.
OK...truthfully...I just want her done!  Yes, I am part of the group of people that have NO patience.  I want to move on to a new project, and she is holding me from going forward.  Would you believe that I made up the whole thing about - whimpering?  My new friend Kim has set me in a storey telling mode, and I want to thank her for that!
I will be 'unpluging' for a bit.  My family and I need to regroup and I will not have any new entries for a few days.  Feel free to re-read some of your favorite postings... .. read my profile.....just make sure to check back for the new adventures of 'A Quilter's Mission'!!!
Linking to: Tuesday Archives at Val's Quilting Studio!


  1. It warms the cockles of this li'l olde storyteller's heart to read your story about 'Miss Strawberry', is all the better with a little embellishment!! Kim ;)

  2. Enjoy your time of rest. We all need that : )

  3. You deserve your well-earned rest. When I hear whimpering from my unfinished work, I just go into denial! xCathy

  4. Oh, I'm glad that it was just your quilt whimpering and not a kitty cat or something! had me going there! Enjoy your respite!

  5. I felt myself give a huge sigh of relief to know I'm not the only one who sometimes just want to move on from a project!! "Miss Strawberry" is a nice piece of work though.

  6. What a sweet story;-) It made me smile. I better not go too close to my sewing cupboards, there will be lots of screaming and crying from within. I have so many UFO's. I wish I was able to finish one project before starting another. Good for you!! Have some much deserved time to yourself.


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