
Friday, June 21, 2013

Where does it all come from?

I have been asked to explain where the donations (lemons) come from for all of my quilt tops (lemonade), so here is my story!  It all starts with very generous people that don't know what to do with their scrapes, yardage, BOMs, etc.  They are not always people that we know.  Word of mouth plays a big part in the fabric and projects that comes in.  We even have people that stop by quilting on Wednesdays to drop off donations!
We get large pieces and small pieces.  We get some newer designer fabrics, and some very old pieces that aren't even usable.  We even get kits and UFO's!  We have a couple of gals that donate tops that they know they will never finish.
What I have in my home is a very small sampling of what comes in.  It comes to us in bags, boxes and bins.  Above you can see a portion of my bundled quilt tops waiting to be cut and sewn! 

We are in the last 2 weeks of NF Quilters, so these bundles were brought in for others to take home for summer projects!
The first 2 boxes have a lot of precut pieces.  I am looking forward to making something beautiful.  The third box is all plaids.  It will be fun to make an all plaid top.  That first box has a ton of strips of varying widths, ready for a colorful stripy quilt.  I want to try my hand at foundation piecing.  As you can see, I will have my work cut out for me for a long time to come!!  Thank you to all the generous people that donate to our worthy cause.  I hope that I have encouraged you to look into your stash and donate what you won't use.

I am linking to the Let's Get Acquainted Monday at Heart Of Charnwood!!  I want to encourage everyone to link up and check out all the quilty deliciousness!!

Don't forget about the Let's Get Acquainted-New Bloggers Blog Hop!  Brought to you by Beth over at Plum and June, thank you Beth!!  Here is the schedule for the rest of the hop.  Take time to visit all of these wonderful sites.  It is so inspirational!!!

New Blogger Blog Hop Participant Schedule

Friday, June 7th
Nancy @ Owen's Olivia
Amy @ 13 Spools
Casey @ The Studiolo 
Nanette @ Yeah, I Made That

June 14

Julie @ Jolie Maxtin
Melissa @ Melia Mae Quilting
Adrianne @ On The Windy Side
Molli @ Molli Sparkles
Laura @ Little And Lots
Valerie @ Between Quilts

Friday, June 21
Leigh Anne @ Ella's Cottage
Stacey @ The Tilted Quilt
Sarah @ Quilt Candy
Jackie @ NW Patchwork
Erica @ Happy Fabric
Stephanie @ Simple Sewendipity
Lauren @ Seraphym

Friday, June 28
Green @ So Sew Green
Gwendellyn @ The Rainbow Revolts
Jessica @ Stitched In Thyme
Kathy @ Kayak Quilting
Michelle @ Factotum Of Arts
Kris @ Sew Sunshine
Camilla @ Faffling

Friday, July 5
Christa @ Christa Quilts!
Stephanie @ Quarter Incher

 July 12
Anne @ PlayCrafts
Cath @ Wombat Quilts
Sarah @ {no} hats in the house
Christen @ Love by Hand
Julie @ 627handworks

July 19
Alison @ Making Happyness
Ella and Nesta @ Ella & Nesta's Little Room
Nicole @ Modern Handcraft
Aylin @ AyliN-Nilya
Kelsey and Amanda @ Everyday Fray

July 26
RobinSue @ RobinSue Quilts
Elisa Lea @ Lovelea Designs
Elizabeth @ In The Boon Docks
Emily @ Sew E.T.


  1. I still think it's incredible what you do--and WOW all that fabric!? I'm going to have to remind myself of this the next time I feel like I just NEED to buy one more 30-FQ-collection bundle, without even a plan, ha. Quilters like all different kinds of things, but one thing we all love is buying fabric, I guess!

  2. Vicki- this mission is fantastic! It's amazing that you can take this fabric, sort through it all, and turn it into a beautiful quilt without getting overwhelmed. just wonderful!!

    by the way, I love the new lemony look of your blog as well!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  3. Well, to make lemonade you need lemons, that's for sure... But it would not taste very good without adding sweetness.... And that's you! You, and your mission work, are sew-eet!


  4. Wonderful Vicki.. I am amazed with so many lemons to sort out and you are sure in a mission to make lots of lemonade! Can't wait to see more of lemonade juicing through this blog! love the look of your blog have been working hard!

  5. 'Tis a blessing you are, Miss Vicki!! Yes indeedy, a blessing with magical stitching fingers!!

  6. I did wonder where where it all came from too! It's heartening to see how generous people are :)

  7. It's always fabulous to see how generous people can be. Thx for linking up :o)

  8. Wow! That's a lot of fabric. It must be fun ( and slightly overwhelming) to look through it and plan your quilt tops. I can imagine your mind races with ideas. It's also very generous of you and your guild to turn it into something lovable and useful. Thanks for the "insider information" :)


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