Other than quilt shops and fabric stores, hardware stores are my favorite! My husband love that fact. Just last Sunday we spent about 3 hours walking around the hardware store. It even smells good in there!
Everything is so and lined up so neatly.
Power tools!!!!
When I grow up....I want to be like Nichole on DIY Networks - Addicted to Rehab!
And the #1 best part of any home improvement store..........PAINT! I would repaint my home ever-other year if I could! Look at all of these pretty colors. Kind of reminds me of a beautiful quilt! I told you it was really random.
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Random, but true, Vicki! Dangerous in there:)
Hahaha - you're a girl after my own heart! I love the hardware store...
I know that most men like hardware stores, but I do too! Love the paint samples!
Great random post! I can't believe the size of the shops you have!
I really like that show Rehab addict ; ) and Home Depot
Hello. My name is Cindy and I collect paint chips.
Oooooh look at all those purty paint chips....'tis colourlicious eye candy, Miss Vicki!!
Power tools are awesome! And I know what you mean about the smell. I love the smell of a good work shop!
VBG - I am sure you only like the paint section because it looks like stacks of quilting fabric!
The paint dept is the best! My children & I have always gravitated to that section. :) And yes, rehab addict Nichole is one of those shows we just HAVE to watch.
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