About 1/2 hr. away from Fresno, is a small farming community named Reedley. There are all sorts of crops growing between here and there. This is a quick snap of the changing colors on the peach trees. I attended a retreat there this weekend.
The retreat was held at the Mennonite Quilt Center. It is one of the best quilt shops in the area.
They carry whatever one would need to make a killer quilt. They even have long arm quilting services! www.quiltcenter@mcc.org www.mennonitequiltcenter.com
Here is a photo of the quilt that we were going to learn how to make. This pattern was designed by Carol Honderich with Patterns of Faith. It is called "Sisters of the Bible". She has several quilts that she has designed with the women of the Bible in mind. www.PatternsofFaith.com
It was a great intimate group of only 8 women.
I used the blanket stitch to attach the handles to my baskets.
I got the center of my top done while at the retreat!
Today I quilted it, and buried the ends/knots like a good girl!
I trimmed the excess batting and back...
...and attached the binding to the back.
I am totally sold on machine binding now. It is fast and easy!
Ta..daa...a finished top. It measures 30x30.
A peak at the back. It is whole cloth, and was a dream to work with.
I would love to give one of you the opportunity to win a copy of this pattern. Just leave a comment below, and let me know what your favorite fresh fruit is. If you become a follower, or are already a follower, leave a second comment as to how you follow A Quilter's Mission. That will give you two chances to win!! I will close the giveaway on Friday, November 22, 12 noon PST. GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED!
Congratulations to Kim H.!! I look forward to getting that out to you. Thank you to all who participated.
Fabulous little quilt, Vicki! You sure are quick. It's no wonder you are sold on machine binding.... Yours looks so professionally done! My favourite fruit is a peach.... You're quite a peach, yourself!
That looks like an amazing time! Love your little quilt too!
My favorite fruit is fresh pineapple!
I already follow your blog. =) Thank you.
I love your quilting on this! Beautiful. I'd have a hard time living without bananas!
I would love to win this pattern. It's so pretty :)
My favorite fruit would be blueberries!
I already follow your blog on Bloglovin.
So, so pleased that you are a good girl, Miss Vicki!! Love those Autumn trees!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time whipping up that lovely quilt of yours!! Now....let me see, favourite fruit..'tis a bit hard. It's a toss up between passionfruits, raspberries and strawberries....can't really choose!!
Vicki--you slay me with your quick turnarounds! I loved looking at your beautiful quilt and the beautiful area of Reedly's orchards. I miss Northern California!
Elizabeth E.
I follow you on Bloglovin'
Beautiful quilt. I can't believe you are already finished with it! Speedy!
I LOVE basket quilts, and your is lovely! My favorite fruit is watermelon. Rcoyle at olemiss dot edu
I follow you on Bloglovin'. Rcoyle at olemiss dot edu
My favorite fresh fruit is pineapple. I love to buy a whole pineapple when in season and cut it up for snacking.
I follow your blog , A Quilter's Mission, on Bloglovin' and enjoy every post!
Favorite fresh fruits- blueberries about ready to burst; strawberries still warm from the plant all red and shiny, raspberries wonderfully textured and warm off the vine...a handful of cool grapes and I'm set 😊
Followed over from Feedly, where I read as frequently as post hit the boards.
hhmm My favorite fruit.....I think bananas.
I am now following you by email now!
Thanks for sharing this post at Val's for this great little quilt! You got a lot done at the retreat and how wonderful to come back and get it finished right up. Now you have a wonderful memento of a weekend with quilts and friends!
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