Fortunately she is a very light weight machine, so I knew that I could make something strong enough to carry her around.
I shopped in the local "Home Fabric" store, and they had such a great selection of deco weight fabric to choose from. I chose these coordinates because I thought they looked happy. I sat down to design my tote, and then...
...started figuring out where to cut.
I used 3 layers of interfacing/batting. I quilted around each flower, and in no time, it was done!
I made the bottom ends of the handles with no batting or interfacing. I wanted the stitching to be nice and straight.
I made an inside pocket large enough to hold the instruction book for her. She is still new to me, and I have to double check settings.
Mr. H was kind enough to cut a piece of 1/4" melamine to give structure to the bottom of the tote. I made a sleeve to cover it.
There it is in the bottom of the tote. Fits perfectly!!
This time I put in a separating zipper. One needs as much room as possible when loading in a sewing machine. So the flaps go right down along the sides without getting in the way.
Doesn't she look happy?
I even used feet on the bottom of this tote to try to save the bottom and corners of the fabric.
I did pad/interface the top middle part of the handles for comfort. No extra pockets or fancy stuff. If you find yourself needing to transport your machine, make a tote!
I even made a pouch for the peddle/cord! Look at the fancy cord minder...she is now set for her debut at the next bee meeting!!
**A quick update on the UFO with the bleeding came out!! Thanks everyone who commented with advice as to how to remove it. (you can read about it here ) I ended up using Oxiclean stain remover and Dawn dish washing liquid. I washed it in hot water and used Tide.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! That is your happiest, sweetest tote yet. Love the fmq of the flowers. And that zipper and pocket are great. You'll be rockin' your next bee date!
Fabulous bag Vicki - I've been looking forward to seeing what you made. Thrilled that the stain came out too - I'm so glad Dawn and Oxiclean worked for you :D
You are beyond clever and talented!! This is gorgeous!
This is great! There will be 'tote envy' at your next gathering and requests for a pattern too!
Wow Miss Vicki!! 'Tis a very clever and wonderful tote, filled with happiness and exuberant colour and pattern!! You will be flying through your day now carting Miss Jemma around!!
Wowser! That is beautiful and amazing! What a lovely job with the construction details!
What an awesome little tote! I made a tote for my Jem too. My friend Gaye made a pattern and my quilt group all made them. It includes a zipped pocket on the outside for the cords. I know you'll love having a snazzy tote for your Jem. you did a great job on it!!
I'm so glad you got the stains out of your quilt :)
Oh, wow! What a clever girl you are....great pattern. You should seriously publish that!!
This is so impressive. Adorable and very functional. Great job!
Beautiful, one of a kind tote. Also love the pouch for the pedal. Well thought about project.
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